1973: born in Paris, France
1988: discovery of photography
2001: Graduated with a PhD in Finance and Master of Laws
2000-2011: “Bâtisseurs” project. Rewarded by Sebastião Salgado with the the 2nd price of the Agfa Multicontrast Award in 2000 and by Jean Gaumy with the 4th price of the Agfa Multicontrast Award in 2003.
2006 & 2008: Reportages in Ethiopia and Madagascar
2011: Covering of the Independence of South Sudan
2009 - 2013: “Territoires” covering Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador
2019 - onwards: “Mains invisibles” : tribute to the European farmers and artisans who are feeding us
Exhibitions & Publishing
2002: Exhibition at Bibliothèque Plaisance for the literature festival “Belles étrangères” organized by Paris Bibliothèques
2009: Published in Geo.fr: “ils bâtissent la puissance de demain”
2010: exhibition of “Bâtisseurs” at the first Leica Store in Paris
2010: published in Geo.fr: “Les mines du Pérou et de la Bolivie: une version moderne de l’enfer”
2011: published in “L’essentiel” magazine about the independence of South Sudan
2019: Exhibition at Printemps Photographiques de Pomerol: “Amérique du Sud: la difficile alliance entre le passé et la modernité”
2020: Exhibition at Follow Your Art Gallery, Kythira: “The Guardians of Olive Trees in Kythira”
2024: Exhibition of “Bâtisseurs” at Zeidoros Gallery, Kythira
2024: Published by Odyssée Editions: “Bâtisseurs”
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